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EIT Food Accelerator network

Hasta el miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019 a las 23:59

The EIT Food Accelerator Network is a multi-location accelerator program that is offered across Europe to support start-ups of high-impact foods to maximize their success.

If successful, you will be invited to join one of the five acceleration programs that take place across Europe: in Germany (Munich), Israel (Haifa), Spain (Bilbao), Switzerland (Lausanne) and the United Kingdom (Cambridge). During a period of acceleration of 4 months, you will have access to a set of tools, connections, mentors and experience to help you succeed.

At the end of the accelerator, there will be a final round of evaluation and the top 3 startups from all locations will receive attractive financial prizes.

In each location, all startups will receive:

Training and advice from leading food industry actors and world-renowned academics with specialized knowledge and skills to develop innovation experience in the food sector

Both a comprehensive curriculum on entrepreneurship and a curriculum focused on food, to equip new businesses in the food space with the knowledge they need to succeed

Workspace shared for 4 months.

Access to technology, pilot sites and international markets through our network of partners.

At the end of the program, startups in all locations will launch once again, with attractive financial prizes that will be awarded to the best startups.

DEADLINE OF APPLICATION: until March 13, 2019


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