
The 2016 Web Summit will take place in Lisbon

Web Summit Lisbon

Europe’s Largest Technology Marketplace

Comienzo: el lunes, 07 de noviembre de 2016 a las 08:30
Finaliza: el jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016 a las 15:00


Marquês de Pombal Square


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The Web Summit, one of the biggest and most influential events for entrepreneurship, technology and innovation in the world, moved from Dublin to Lisbon, Portugal for its next editions in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

More than 50,000 attendees will be at Web Summit, including more than 15,000 companies discovering and learning about what new software and hardware can transform their businesses.

It’s not just Europe’s largest companies that will be at Web Summit, but over 7,000 CEOs from companies of all sizes and industries. Where will your company be?


Our approach has always been different, and that difference has propelled our growth. We’re the first software company that creates conferences.

While conference companies typically hire experienced event planners, we hire computational physicists, applied statisticians, AI specialists and engineers of all shapes and sizes.


Web Summit now attracts the world’s largest buyers and sellers of technology. More than 65% of our attendees are senior management, from over 15,000 companies.

On the seller side, Web Summit is not just about the executive officers of the world’s leading technology companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google and Cisco all gathering in one room. It’s also about a generation of emerging technology companies selling to an ocean of 50,000 other potential customers from companies small, medium and large from across the world.


Over 2,000 media from more than 100 markets will be at Web Summit in Lisbon. It’s not just editors from many of the world’s most influential publications, but market shaping industry reporters from leading technology and trade publications and blogs.

More information about the Web Summit in websummit.net

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