
TRANSITION Transnational Training for Social Innovators

A full day event designed by TRANSITION partners to provide 20 selected social innovators with 1 day intensive training

el jueves, 04 de febrero de 2016 de 10:00 a 19:30



Ave de Terveuren 168

Brussels, 11550 Belgium

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Logo Transition Project

Logo Transition Project

The training will focus on 3 main elements:

  1. SI clinic > social innovators will share challenges they faced when developing their solutions. Social innovators and experts will work together to define possible solutions and share tips.
  2. Social Innovation Journey à la carte > 2 rounds of parallel workshops where social innovators will choose the SIJ block they want to work on with different scaling centres, using & testing incubation tools to further improve their solutions and explore new scaling opportunites.
  3. SI telling > train your pitching skills. Experts will be there to give some tips on how to create awareness about a solution, or pitch for investors.


10:00-10:30     Welcome  coffee

10:30-11:00     Ice breaking_knowing each other

11:00-11:15     Introduction of the day

11:15-12:45     SI clinic_ First round of parallel workshops

12:45-13:45     Lunch

13:45-14:45     SIJ à la carte_Second round of parallel workshops (3 tools)

14:45-15:45     SIJ à la carte_Third round of parallel workshops (3 tools)

15:45-16:15     Coffee Break

16:15-16:45     SI-telling_how to pitch your solution training

16:45-17:30     Group training with experts, investors, EC, foundations

17:30-18:30     SI-telling > tell your SI

18:30-19:30     Belgian cocktail

On February 5th, social innovators will have the opportunity to meet more social innovation practitioners during the Conference “Supporting Social Innovations to Grow: TRANSITION’s Journey”, where an exhibition/networking area will be organized.

Social innovators will need to prepare a 1 minute video where to pitch their innovation. Videos will be sent to relevant networks and stakeholders for further exposure and promotion of the solutions.

We’ll be able to host 5 external experts (investors, NGOs, policy makers, foundations, incubators)  interested in learning more about TRANSITION methodological framework and get engaged in the activties with the social innovators. If interested please contact us.

For further information please contact:

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