
American dream seekers 2014

Subida el martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

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American dream seekers 2014

Competition Overview

Round 1 – Round One: Participants must complete the “Round One Submission” form online from February 22nd, 2014 to the August 1st, 2014 deadline in order to qualify to make it to “Round Two”.

Round 2 – Round Two: If the participant is selected and makes it through the “Round One Submission” process then “Round Two” begins. Participants will be given a login and password to access their official American Dream Seekers documents. All required documents for “Round Two” must be completed by August 29th, 2014.

Round 3 – Quarterfinal Round: If the participant advances from the “Entry Round” to the “Quarterfinal Round” they will receive the next set of instructions through their assigned login and password. A video submission will be due by September 19, 2014.

Round 4 – Semifinal Round: All “quarterfinalists” will be notified if they have advanced to the “Semifinals” on September 26th, 2014. The Semifinals take place at Harborside Event Center in Fort Myers, FL on October 25th, 2014.

Round 5 – Final Round: Five “finalists” will be selected during the “semifinals” to take the stage for the finale event in front of a live audience to make their last pitch to the judges for the chance to receive equity funding. In addition, one lucky finalist will receive a guaranteed $5,000 cash prize for the best presentation.

3.379 visitas

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