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BoostUp! 2022

Up to eight startups will receive a cash prize of €20,000 to accelerate the scaling of their solution.

Hasta el domingo, 31 de julio de 2022 a las 23:59

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Boots! 2022 call

Boots! 2022 call

The path to glory for startups and scaleups is long and quite complicated. Having achieved a milestone such as a pilot or proof of concept (PoC) with a manufacturing corporate is a big deal – a key step towards future market success.

That’s why BoostUp! 2022 wants to showcase such success and reward the next generation of European manufacturing innovators to help them scale further and faster.

The competition, launched on 13 June 2022, is open to startups that have shown the usefulness of their solution through cooperation with a large manufacturing corporation, either by means of a pilot or a proof-of-concept project demonstrating the validity of their technology.  The competition is specifically targeting startups with solutions that fall within one of EIT Manufacturing’s flagships:

  • Flexible Production Systems for Competitive Manufacturing
  • Low Environmental Footprint Systems & Circular Economy for Green Manufacturing
  • Digital & Collaborative Solutions for Innovative Manufacturing Ecosystems
  • Human-machine co-working for socially sustainable manufacturing

Up to eight (8) startups will receive a cash prize of €20,000 to accelerate the scaling of their solution.  In addition, a €5,000 cash prize will be awarded to the top ranked startup coming from a RIS country and the top ranked female led startup.

The culmination of BoostUp! will take place in Athens, Greece on 7 October 2022 with an exclusive networking and matchmaking soiree where the twenty startup finalists will be able to meet international experts, corporate manufacturing executives, and investors.

Apply until 31 July 2022, 23:59 CEST.

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