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Commission selects 50 women-led companies to boost deep-tech innovation in Europe

woman tech eu

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
martes, 01 de marzo de 2022 a las 15:12

The Commission today announced the results of the first call under the new Women TechEU pilot programme, which supports women-led deep tech start-ups. The call is funded under the European Innovation Ecosystem work programme of Horizon Europe, the EU's research and innovation programme.

Women TechEU is a brand new initiative of the European Union. The scheme offers grants, worth 75,000 euros each, to support the early stages of the innovation process and the growth of companies. It also offers mentoring and coaching under the European Innovation Council (EIC) Women's Leadership Programme, as well as EU-wide networking opportunities.

Following assessment by independent experts, the Commission will support a first group of 50 women-led companies from 15 different countries. More than 40 of these companies are based in EU Member States, one fifth of them in Horizon Europe enlargement countries. In addition, approximately one fifth are based in countries associated with Horizon Europe.

The companies proposed for funding have developed cutting-edge and disruptive innovations in a wide range of areas, from early diagnosis and treatment of cancer to reducing the negative impact of methane emissions. They are mindful of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as combating climate change and reducing food waste, as well as expanding access to education and empowering women.

The projects will start in spring 2022 and are expected to last between 6 and 12 months. These women leaders will be enrolled in the European Innovation Council's Women's Leadership Programme to participate in tailored mentoring and coaching activities.

Following the extremely encouraging response to this first pilot project, the Commission will renew the Women TechEU programme in 2022. The budget for the next call will be increased to €10 million, which will fund around 130 companies (compared to 50 this year). The call will take place in 2022.

The new Women TechEU programme addresses this gender gap in innovation by supporting women-led deep-tech start-ups in the early and riskiest phase of their activities. With this programme, the Union wants to help increase the number of women-led start-ups and create a fairer and more prosperous European deep tech ecosystem.

Women TechEU is part of a series of EU measures aimed at boosting women innovators. Key initiatives include the EU Prize for Women Innovators, ambitious targets for women-led businesses under the European Innovation Council Accelerator, gender balance in the ERC Committee, gender mainstreaming in relevant ERC challenges and a pilot Gender and Diversity Innovation Index to track progress.

A record 264 nominations were submitted for the EU Prize for Women Innovators in 2021, highlighting the rapid increase in the number of women-led start-ups in Europe. The award pays tribute to the women behind Europe's ground-breaking innovations and aims to create role models for women and girls around the world.


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