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B2B Health Innovation Marketplace 2022

Mercado de innovación en salud B2B 2022

Comienzo: el martes, 19 de abril de 2022
Finaliza: el miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022


Auditorio Centro de Investigação Médica - Fac. Medicina SUBIR

Calle doctor Plácido Costa

Portugal, Oporto

Google Calendar

Más información e inscripciones

ANI, the Portuguese National Innovation Agency, with the support of Enterprise Europe Network, in partnership with Health Cluster Portugal (HCP) are promoting a hybrid matching event, which will take place on 19 April hybrid and 20 April online.


Identify potential partners for R&D and technology transfer projects
Explore opportunities to expand business and commercialise new products, services and technologies.
Exchange best practices and knowledge on innovative health services, policies, financing models and instruments, and pre-commercial procurement opportunities.


All those who :

Publicise and showcase their products, projects, services or business needs to event participants.
Initiate and organise promising 1:1 meetings pre-scheduled at the event
Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a cost-effective and timely manner
Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event.


Participants will have the opportunity to meet bilaterally in pre-arranged 20-minute talks on-site or online.

The topics addressed will be:

  1. Development partners and testbeds for health innovation
  2. Technology end-users
  3. Health data providers
  4. Clinical trials
  5. R&D project partners
  6. Pre-commercial procurement challenges

The event is expected to bring together more than 100 professionals from highly specialised medical and healthcare companies and institutions from across Europe.


  • Registration until 18 April
  • Consult the marketplace and request meetings with other participants
  • Deadline for requesting meetings: 19 April
  • Respond to all requests and accept/reject immediately!
  • Online B2B meetings: 19-20 April

DATES: 19 April hybrid and 20 April online.

VENUE: This event will take place in the framework of the Portuguese Health Cluster Meetings with Health Innovation 2022: "Hospitals as Health innovation hub".

IMPORTANT! - Participation in the Main Conference and B2B is free of charge, but registrations for both events are independent and compulsory!

For more information and registration to the Conference, click here.


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