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Call CloudiFacturing

Aimed at financing innovative Cloud projects of manufacturing SMEs

Hasta el domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018 a las 23:59

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Convocatoria CloudiFacturing

Insomnia, Digital Innovation Hub of the European Union, has announced the launch of the 1st call for experiments CloudiFacturing.

AIMED AT: to finance innovative Cloud projects for manufacturing SMEs, which want to face the challenge of digitalization and seek financing.

Under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute, the CloudiFacturing project is funded by the Horizon 2020 program and has more than 30 partners across Europe. With a budget of € 9.4 million, +20 experiments worth + € 2M will be financed.

They can present projects: 1 manufacturing SME + at least 1 research center / software provider / Cloud / HPC / engineer, etc. with the aim of testing the experiment in a real environment and demonstrate its impact on the industry (food, beverages, textiles, wood, paper, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, metal, electronics, machinery, transport, others).

The interested entities will have the technical support of the Digital Innovation Hubs to prepare their experiment.

The selected experiments will benefit from:

- Free access to Cloud / HPC modeling and simulation technology and advanced data analytics to optimize production and producibility processes.

- Up to 100,000 euros of financing per experiment.

- Expert advice for the development of your business plan.

DATE: The call will remain open until September 30, 2018.

More information and inscriptions

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