
ESA Space Solutions Prize

ESA Space Prize

Ready to innovate the European GNSS application spectrum?

Hasta el jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

As part of this year's European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC), the European Space Agency (ESA) is seeking for innovative ideas with two main goals: immediate market implementation and rapid support in becoming profitable startups within one of the sixteen ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs). Join the competition and cooperate with ESA - Europe's gateway to space.

The ESA space solutions® Prize is in search of earth shattering ideas for the commercial use of space technology. The best innovative idea using GNSS will be solemnly recognised. No matter when and where your dazzling idea arises, you can receive support in the creation phase of your startup company at one of the sixteen ESA Business Incubation Centres located all over Europe and win a cash prize of up to EUR 7,000.

Submit for a regional prize and get access to a Europe-wide network infrastructure to provide you with first hand support on a national level. You like to play it safe? In addition to the region of your choice, you can actually double your chances of success by also applying for one of ESNC's special prizes. The prize pool of the entire competition values at a total of over EUR 1 million.

Reach for the stars and take part in the ESNC!

Since 2004, the international ideas competition rewards innovative applications using satellite navigation in everyday life. Get inspired by winners of previous editions! The competition is open to all innovative people: from enthusiastic entrepreneurs and ambitious developers to determined research scientists and students. Submissions are welcome from 1 April - 30 June at: www.esnc.eu

Starting Position

An international organisation comprising 20 member-states, the European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe's gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA designs and implements the European space programme, including the development of space technologies and satellite infrastructure for the use of navigation, telecommunication and earth observation, the promotion of European industries, and the endeavour to find out more about our Earth, our solar system and the universe we are living in.

The ESA space solutions network compiles a variety of expertise from Europe's space programmes to give any business a tailored solution, based on available space systems, technologies and know-how. Through our Business Incubation Centres, Technology Transfer Brokers and partners, Europe benefits from its space industry like never before, and together we support our national industries and boost Europe's global competitiveness. more
The European Satellite Navigation Competition is a great source of innovative business ideas in virtually every field of industry. In it, the ESA Technology Transfer Programme Office (TTPO) finds and supports new ideas for the commercial use of space technology, thus launching new businesses in Europe, especially in the downstream market of GNSS applications. Among the innovative ideas for satellite navigation applications from previous years are a system that reports flooding in real time, a corporate application for tracking carbon footprints, and commercial location-based services.
Prize 2016
ESA is looking for innovative ideas that can be immediately implemented and quickly nurtured into profitable start-ups at the fifteen ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) or other facilities in the European Space Incubators Network (ESINET).
  • The winner should thus be a new start-up (yet to be created or younger than five years old) and should be willing to apply to an existing or future ESA BIC for incubation.
  • The winner will receive a cash award of EUR 7,000.
  • The first runner-up will receive a cash award of EUR 2,000.
  • The second runner-up will receive a cash award of EUR 1,000.
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