
Euro Forum eyes with Sir Ken Robinson.

What job opportunities have a professional in social and labour insertion in Europe?

el viernes, 06 de noviembre de 2015 de 08:15 a 17:00


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euro forum eye

Euro Forum Eyes with with Sir Ken Robinson.

Euro Forum EYES is created from the European Project EXYOnet (European Network for employability of Young (ex) offenders), the first European network address to the employability of young offenders and social exclusion, that belongs to the Youth in Action Program of the European Union.

What job opportunities have a professional in social and labour insertion in Europe? What resources and tools offer the EU in the youth employment field? What solutions are succeeding in their countries? Employment vs exclusion. Curriculum vs talent. Education vs employment.

Live a great speech with Sir Ken Robinson. Come to a forum where your ideas and the expert's converge.

Youth unemployment, a multidimensional problem

Through this Forum we are going to transmit different perspectives, being a good instrument to present the obtained results and the communitarian action proposals, as well as the White Book about European intervention proposals in employability programs for young people.

Currently, the unemployment of young people affects negatively to their perspectives and incomes, as well as their health levels and labour satisfaction, even after two decades. The ILO reports highlight that there is a demonstrated link between youth unemployment and social exclusion. Such as it is described “the inability to find employment creates a sense of uselessness and idleness among young people that can lead to increased crime, mental health problems, violence, conflicts and drug taking.”

Therefore it is about employment, of the employability as an antidote against social exclusion, a protection factor for young people. Also it is aimed to tackle the issue from the education’s perspective and its influence in the employment perspective of young people. Concepts like creativity, education, labour market and social exclusion integrates an equation with complex relationships.

Limited vacancies. Free registration. http://euroforumeyes.eu


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