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Next Generation Internet Fellowship Program & Community: immersive experience for European NGI


Hasta el sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2023 a las 23:59

The NGI Enrichers program supports European NGI researchers and innovators to spend3-6 months in the US or to Canadato work and collaborate with US and Canadian hosts, to promote knowledge-sharing and establishing long-term collaborations on NGI technologies, services, and standards.
The program provides travel funding, living allowance, and visafor visiting fellows from Europe, and supports both fellows and their hosts, with bootcamps, mentors, visibility, community building and more!

The NGI Transatlantic Fellowship program is seeking to engage NGI Researchers and Innovators, including researchers with technical background, or Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) background, or from other multidisciplinary fields e.g. working at the intersection of social and natural sciences.

The program provides travel funding, living allowance (EUR 3.800 – for every full month of stay), and visa cost for visiting fellows from Europe, and supports both fellows and their hosts, with bootcamps, mentors, visibility, community building and more! Applicants can find general information on the fellowship programme on the European applicants – NGI Enrichers page.

The 2nd round of calls will select up to 30 applicants. The selected applicants will spend 3-6 months in the US or Canada to collaborate with the Host organisations, enhancing knowledge-sharing and establishing long-term collaborations on NGI technologies, services, and standards.

The applicants have 3 participation options for this round of calls:

  • Paired Teams: The applicant can submit their proposal along with an organization who agrees to host the applicant. This organisation can be from the pool of host on the website or an external host. The agreement between the host and the applicant must be done prior the application process.
  • Challenges: Hosting organisation from US and Canada – which have agreed to collaborate with the NGI Enrichers programme – defines specific research topics (challenges) related to the Next Generation Internet domain. The applicant can submit a proposal answering a challenge defined by the hosting organisation.
  • Open ideas: Applicants submit a proposal around their ideas, products or services, selecting three preferred hosts among the list of organisations collaborating with the NGI Enrichers programme. The programme will facilitate the best match between the applicant and the host organisations based on the idea, product or service which has been proposed.
    Participants are encouraged to choose this track if none of the proposed challenges matches their envisioned project or skills.

Applicants should use the Search for hosts tool to find hosts that match their profile, Focus area and Application domain, and should check whether the host accepts applications from the track that interests you. More details on the proposed challenges can be found in each host’s individual profile, which can be accessed by clicking on a host’s name.

Calls open: 01 Jul 2023, Deadline: 30 September 2023.

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