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MobiliseSME" programme: European programme for SME mobility


Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
martes, 09 de noviembre de 2021 a las 11:48

MobiliseSME is a pilot programme of the European Commission that allows employees, directors, managers or business owners to spend a period of time in another country of the European Union and the European Single Market. The ultimate goal is to give SMEs the possibility to establish contacts in other European countries and the opportunity for their employees to develop knowledge and skills in specific key sectors for their company.

During these collaborations, the European Commission supports the seconded company with a fixed monthly amount to cover expenses. This can be up to €1,100 per month depending on the country, with placements lasting between 1 and 6 months.

The target audience are SMEs, freelancers or self-employed, and the programme allows them to save costs in joint projects or activities at European level that they already have in place or that they are going to start. For example, in order to establish a collaboration with Enterprise Europe Network clients.

Several types of collaborations are possible without having to choose one exclusively, and can be combined:

  • Market research or marketing strategies.
  • Product or service development.
  • Internationalisation, search for new clients and commercial opportunities (Foreing Trade).
  • Training (Knowledge Transfer).
  • Joint research
  • Strengthening of pre-existing collaborations.
  • Others that may be of interest to both participants.

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