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Scale Up for Europe Call


The New European Bauhaus Acceleration Pilot Call

Hasta el viernes, 06 de agosto de 2021 a las 23:59


The New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an environmental, social and cultural initiative aiming to connect innovation, creativity and design to improve citizen's quality of life, as a mean of making the Green Deal a human-centred experience.  

The NEB calls to combine three complementary dimensions to create a movement to explore better living together in a healthy planet after the pandemic: sustainability (including circularity), quality of experience (including aesthetics) and inclusiveness (including accessibility and affordability). 


Fast-growing European ‘deep tech’ startups in growth stage (scaleups) with a differentiating product offering that leverages sophisticated, hard-to-reproduce digital technologies.

Building on the three main dimensions of the New European Bauhaus sustainability, inclusiveness and quality of experience, EIT Digital is calling for companies developing digital deep tech solutions applicable to the following domains (the list is not exclusive):

  • Digital Industry
  • Digital Cities
  • Digital Wellbeing
  • Digital Tech
  • Digital Finance


The best 4 companies will receive a full year of tailored international growth support by the EIT Digital Accelerator worth €48,000 to scale up their business and boost social and economic impact for the European community.




Deadline will be open until August 6, 2021.


3.821 visitas

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