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Data 4 Healthy Recovery Hackaton


Applications open for European hackathon dedicated to solving the most pressing smart health challenges

Hasta el jueves, 15 de abril de 2021 a las 23:59

It’s time to hack smart health solutions to help Europe recover from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger and faster, using industrial transformation opportunities in a creative way.

Want to find out more? Need solutions to make your organisation more resilient? Interested in meeting like-minded individuals and becoming part of the solution as a hackathon team member?


The new ‘Data 4 Healthy Recovery’ hackathon, taking place from 18 – 20 June, aims to find smart health solutions to help Europe recover from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger and faster, using industrial transformation opportunities in a creative way.

ADDRESSED TO: Visionaries, developers, designers, data scientists, marketing specialists, engineers, entrepreneurs and industry experts.


The hackathon, with its emphasis on smart health solutions, should help European companies and organisations reshape their business models, products and processes and, at the same time, create new business opportunities.

It is a great way to find innovative and practical solutions to address the COVID crisis that could support the social and economic recovery. At the same time, the hackathon can help to boost the competitiveness of small and bigger businesses in Europe and modernise the value chains that will serve our societies.


Deadline opens until April 15, 2021.

Apply here

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