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ETU Initiative Flagship Call

Hasta el viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021 a las 23:59

The ETU initiative launches the ETU flagship call to test the ETU model and toolbox as a complementary scheme to support clean energy transition actions and policies in rural areas and islands of the Mediterranean.

The ETU flagship call is a collaborative and voluntary action to promote the transfer of EU project results and tools to local and regional authorities.


The objective of the call is to seek an emblematic case that could represent an example of application of the ETU model and toolbox that addresses at least one of the principles:

  • Ecological response to the climate crisis
  • Territorial equity
  • Social innovation
  • Green economy
  • Cooperation and engagement

And at least two of the main pillars:

  • Energy planning.
  • Energy facilities.
  • Energy community.
  • Energy governance.


Mediterranean municipality or entity interested in energy transition.


The ETU flagship cases will be selected from all the territories represented by the regional groups. In exchange for their voluntary collaboration, the selected cases will receive technical support from experts from the Interreg MED Renewable Energy Community.

The experts will adapt the ETU tools and methodologies to the interests of each case, supporting the participants in becoming leaders in the energy transition. In addition to this valuable support, as examples of the ETU model, the flagship cases will receive visibility at regional, national and EU level, while bringing them unique networking opportunities.


All the documents should be sent by e-mail at:

[email protected] & [email protected]



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