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Open Innovation Challenge for Sustainable materials solutions


Hasta el domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

Nowadays more and more vehicle manufacturers are focusing on alternative drives to provide sustainable mobility solutions. The growing number of electric and hybrid vehicles increase the demands on components and materials. Therefore, lines and hoses are not only indispensable but also represent big potential. In hybrid or electric drives, fluid systems often made out of rubber, stainless steel or aluminium are increasingly being replaced by high-performance plastic materials. Plastic components reduce vehicle weight and thus contribute to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions - while improving performance.


We are looking for sustainable material solutions based on rubber and plastics for fluid lines in automotive applications..


  • You are a university research group, research center, individual inventor or startup.

  • You have developed an innovative technology, material or process, that could be used to address the described challenge


  • Lines for air conditioning applications e.g. transporting refrigerant (CO2 or 1234yf)

  • Lines connected to the transmission or engine transporting oil or fuel

  • Lines for heating and cooling applications e.g. transporting water glycol

  • Lines for the air induction of turbo charger applications e.g. transporting air

  • Lines for exhaust gas management (DPF/GPF)


You will see your solution entering the market within the Continental product portfolio.

Your team will be mentioned as inventor of the solution in our Continental communication measures (e.g. Social Media Content, Website-Stories, Internal news, Press releases).

Companies with attractive business cases and a successful POCs will be shared with our Venture Capital unit to assess a potential investment.


Deadline open until March 14, 2021.


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