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The European Commission awarded 1291 Seal of Excellence certificates by start-ups and SMEs


Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020 a las 16:41

Last week, the European Commission awarded 1291 Seal of Excellence certificates to high quality proposals by start-ups and SMEs, that undergo the same competitive evaluation as the final 38 selected projects submitted under European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator Pilot October cut-off.

The Seal certificate, is addressed to excellent proposals from the EIC Accelerator call which have been evaluated worth of funding, but for which Horizon 2020 did not have enough resources in the call. The co-signature demonstrates concrete synergies between Horizon 2020 and the Structural Funds, as well the commitment to strengthen those, now and in the future.

More than 150 of the proposals that received a Seal focus on medical devices,  Furthermore, a great number of proposals focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and environmental issues, in  line with the Commission’s priority to ensure a digital and green transition. The Seal of Excellence award will help start-ups and SMEs to find the funding they need to implement their proposals from additional sources.

The Seal of Excellence is a quality label awarded to project proposals submitted to Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding programme, to help these proposals find alternative funding.

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