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Startups fair | Adapt 2023

Feria de startups  Adaptar 2023

Main international startup ecosystem event in Lithuania

el jueves, 07 de septiembre de 2023 de 09:00 a 10:00


Kablys + Kultūra


5 Kauno gatvė 03214

Vilnius, Lituania

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Más información e inscripciones

This year, Startup Fair welcomes you with an invitation to "adapt". Big changes are shaking the world and affecting every member of our startup ecosystem. Let's get together, communicate, discuss and find the best way to adapt. An annual event and the main event within the startup ecosystem in Lithuania.

Startup Fair offers the opportunity to renew and establish new contacts, present your innovative idea or business and get useful tips or ideas from successful startup founders. It is a great opportunity to combine the needs of investors and startups: for some to get investment ideas and for others to find a funding partner.


  • Local and international startup founders and workers.
  • Local and international investors, business angels.
  • Other startups in the ecosystem (accelerators, incubators, etc.).
  • Potential and future founding startups.
  • Organizations.


  • Conference: local and international speakers will present the most relevant topics for startups.
  • Pitch Battle: the most promising shortlisted startups will present their ideas and compete on stage in front of the influential jury; investors, startup ecosystem experts and the audience - you could be one of them!
  • B2B meetings: It has never been easier to connect with all the right people. Discover the most relevant attendees, including startups and investors, on Startup Fair's matchmaking platform and meet them in the dedicated meeting area or online during the event.

DATE AND TIME: Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 09H local time.

PLACE: Vilnius Culture Hall, Lithuania.

REGISTRATIONS: you have to purchase the free ticket on evenbrite choosing the modality you are interested in depending on whether you are a Startup, Investor or Press. There is also a general admission ticket for organizations, students and other public.

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