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European Tourism Day 2023

Día mundial del turismo 2023

5 May 2023 in Brussels

el viernes, 05 de mayo de 2023 de 09:00 a 18:00


Charlemagne Building

Rue de la loi, 170

Brussels, Belgium

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After a long and intense co-creation process, the transition pathway for tourism was published in February 2022 and used as a basis for the European Agenda for Tourism 2030, adopted by the Council last December.

This event will be an opportunity to take stock of EU tourism policy in the context of the green and digital transition, to follow up on the Tourism Transition Pathway and to share best practices for its joint implementation. On this occasion, Thierry Breton, Internal Market Commissioner, will exchange with tourism stakeholders in a dedicated opening debate.  

On the occasion of the European Tourism Day 2023, the European Commission intends to organize:

  • an orientation debate to discuss ecosystem resilience and,
  • three round tables, each focusing on different important aspects, such as the double transition and the enhancement of workforce skills in the EU tourism ecosystem.


9:00H - 9:30H

  • Welcome to participants.

9:50H - 10:50H 

  • Orientation debate: how to create a resilient and world-leading tourism ecosystem with innovative SMEs and thriving communities. innovative SMEs and thriving communities?

10:50H - 11:20H

  • Networking

11:20H - 11:30H

  • Transition pathway for tourism - progress

11:30H - 12:30H

  • Round table: digitization of tourism: towards the data space for EU tourism

12:30H - 14:00H

  • Lunch

14:00H -14:15H

  • Keynote speech - Green deal

14:15H - 15:15H

  • Round table: Green transition: sustainable tourism services and destinations

15:15H - 15:45H

  • Coffee break

15:45H -16:45H

  • Round table: training and improvement of tourism agents' skills.

16:45H -17:00H

  • Closing

DATE AND TIME: May 5, 2023 at 9:00H.

PLACE: European Commission in Brussels. It will be broadcast via via the Straming Service of the European Commission.


The deadline for registration to the event is April 14, 2023. Registration is done through the European Commission's website.


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