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Calls that are currently open and can be adapted to your projects:

Fundación Finnova

Fundación Finnova

Publicado el miércoles, 08 de abril de 2020 a las 15:00

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EUvsCrisis: April 24, 25 and 26 The European Commission's Directorate-General for Innovation, in close collaboration with the EU Member States, will organize a Pan-European Hackathon on April 24, 25 and 26. The aim is to connect civil society, innovators, partners, innovators, companies and universities across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions to overcome the challenges related to coronaviruses.

The Finnova Foundation and its Startups Europe Awards program are official partners of the European Union and those interested in making suggestions or proposing challenges can contact us at the following email: http://covid19.finnova.eu

Life against COVID-19: projects of up to 2 million euros subsidized at 55% The challenges of COVID-19 and the United Nations SDG highlight innovative projects in the field of water management and waste management that allow sanitation and prevention of virus and bacteria contamination. The open Life call funds innovative environmental projects that help prevent viruses and bacteria. Multidisciplinary proposals are expected. The deadline for environmental projects will end on July 16.

Health EIC Accelerator against COVID-19: Innovative SME projects up to 2.5 million euros with a 70% lost fund. The EIC Accelerator call is part of the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot project that supports blue chip innovators, entrepreneurs and small businesses with funding opportunities and acceleration services. The objective of this program is for innovative SMEs and SMEs with innovations in the fight against COVID-19. are part of the European markets. The pilot health projects will be financed at 70% with lost funds with up to 2 million euros.

ESCALAR against COVID-19. New tool of the European Union to invest in venture capital funds of European Scale-ups. Projects between 50 and 100 million euros.
This call is an initiative of the DG-GROWTH of the European Commission that seeks to finance investment funds or financial entities whose commitment is to invest in European SCALE-UP or innovative companies that invoice from 1 million euros or who have had a round investment for that amount. The deadline for submitting applications will end in June.
They will be especially candidacies of investment funds specialized in health, and in the prevention and fight against viruses.
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