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Horizon Impact Award 2020


5 prizes of 10,000 euros each. Deadline for submission until April 2, 2020

Hasta el miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020 a las 23:59

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Premios Horizon 2020

Impacto Horizon

Horizon Impact Award 2020, is the European Commission's initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society.

These projects must have been funded by FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 funding programmes and they must be closed by the time of application.

OBJECTIVES:  The award aims to show the wider socio-economic benefits of EU investment in research and innovation.

The award enables individuals or teams to showcase their best practices and achievements. This will encourage other beneficiaries to use and manage their results in the best way possible.

It aims to create role models and inspire beneficiaries of research and innovation funding to maximise the impact of their research.

They can do this by directly exploiting results or by playing an active role ensuring stakeholders effectively use the results.

AWARDS: 5 awards of €10,000 each

The winners will be invited to European Research and Innovation Days hosted in Brussels, which will include a selected audience of high-level representatives and promoters of innovation in industry and the public sector.

The Horizon Impact Award will provide the winners with high visibility in the form of public interest and increased media coverage.

The Commission will further promote the winners by inviting them to provide testimony at other major events

Who can apply?

The contest is open to all legal entities, individuals or teams, that have completed an FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 project.

The applicants will be required to submit a letter of support from at least one user or user community, stating the importance of the research and how using it created concrete benefits for the specific user-community. This user should not be an academic organisation.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Applications will remain open until 2 April 2020.

For more information, please contact us: [email protected]

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