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2 million € to encourage the employment of unemployed people

The green and blue economy sector

Hasta el lunes, 17 de febrero de 2020 a las 23:59

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020 a las 17:41

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Ayudas EmpleaVerde Conecta FSE 2020

Ayudas EmpleaVerde Conecta FSE 2020

Submission of applications until February 17, 2020

This call, co-funded by the European Social Fund, is part of the Employment Program, which aims to promote the sustainability of economic activities in all sectors, promoting the just transition to a low-carbon, circular economy, integrating the biodiversity in the management and business processes and making more efficient use of natural resources, constituting a driver of sustainable economic growth and social progress.

In this case, the focus is directly on direct employment generation, offering a subsidy to the hiring of full-time unemployed people, for a minimum period of 6 months, in entities that are directly or indirectly linked to the economy green and / or blue or entities that are not linked, create employment that contributes to a sustainable business line or the management of an environmental improvement in the entity.

The maximum grant amount that the entity can apply for will be 2,700 euros, which may be increased by 500 euros in cases where the hired person belongs to one of the priority groups (woman, young person up to 35 years, older 45 years old, immigrants, disabled people or residents of protected areas and / or rural areas). This amount will be co-financed with 50% or 80% depending on the target region in which the work center is located.

More information: https://contratacion.empleaverde.es/?utm_campaign=empleaverde-emplea&utm_medium=email&utm_source=acumbamail

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