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Members of the MED Blue Growth projects, associated partners and relevant stakeholders

Montpellier hosted on February 4 and 5 the 1st Annual Assembly of the Blue Growth Community

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020 a las 10:50

The event, organized by the new horizontal Blue Growth project (2019-2022), allowed BLUE DEAL project partners to officially present to the members of the MED community this new blue energy capitalization project.

The objective of this type of event is to disseminate and transfer the modular projects results dealing with Blue Growth issues including maritime surveillance, yachting, renewable energies, aquaculture, fisheries, maritime and coastal tourism, among others. 

During the first day members of the MED Blue Growth projects, Blue Growth associated partners and relevant stakeholders debated about sustainability, synergies and cooperation, harmonization and strengthening of the use of coastal and maritime planning, funds and financial instruments and education and awareness raising in the Blue Economy.

Artan Leskoviku, Director of RES, National Agency of Natural Resources and partner of the BLUE DEAL project, participated in the round table of the sustainability dimension of blue economy sharing the projects that are underway in Albania.

Nicoletta Patrizi, representing the University of Siena, leader of the BLUE DEAL project, participated in the roundtable on education and awareness raising presenting activities with High School Students carried out during the previous MESTRALE project and forecasted activities for students’ involvement in the Blue Energy sector within BLUE DEAL.

On the second day, Nicoletta Patrizi, representing the University of Siena, leader of the BLUE DEAL project, presented to the attendees the new project that began in November 2019 and aims to increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of the BE sector, develop links and synergies between SME`s, public authorities, knowledge institutions and civil society and establish transnational and regional Blue Deal Alliances.

The assembly also allowed to know other new projects, examples of good practices, results obtained by projects already completed, generate synergies and join efforts to work together to develop Blue Economy in the Mediterranean Regions.

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