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GPT for internal data management challenge

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DULCESA stores more and more data, which is not always readily available to the user. BI tools have helped us and continue to help us to generate value with the available data. However, we increasingly need to work with more diverse information and use it in a changing way every day. It takes several searches to find the information that is really needed. This generates interruptions in the main tasks of IT employees, as their colleagues do not know how to access the information in the database, let alone process it.


How could we develop an advanced platform that provides users with immediate access to the required information at any time. This platform should be equipped with an intuitive interface that allows users to interact through natural language, either written or spoken, as is currently being done. The objective is that they can formulate their queries in a natural and direct way at the prompt of an artificial intelligence, similar to the interaction they are having right now with their peers. It should also be able to be used in English, Spanish and French.

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