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EIT Urban Mobility Scale-up regulatory bases

Programa scale up EIT

Call for applications open until May 7th

martes, 11 de abril de 2023

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SCALE-UP PROGRAMME is an EU-funded project: a consortium of partners is implementing the project with the financial support of EITUM. The program will pioneer and support 12 start-ups during 2023 with a cross-cutting approach to develop and implement innovative solutions in the field of urban mobility.


To support and help mature start-ups (from EU and Horizon Europe partner countries) in their international growth phase to reach their business goals and conquer new milestones.

START-UP applications will be reviewed by a panel composed of at least 4 evaluators:
- 1 member of the Urban Mobility - Impact Ventures area of the EIT (1/4);
- 3 external experts appointed by the SCALE-UP PROGRAMME consortium (3/4).
Each evaluator will have to score each STARTUP application based on four standardized criteria for a maximum of 20 points: Excellence / Innovation (5 points), Team / structure (5 points), Impact (5 points), Implementation and overall merit (5 points). The average of the scores of all the evaluators will give the online evaluation score of a given candidate and 24 applications will be shortlisted to move on to a final phase where the 12 final Start Up will be chosen.

Visitas: 279  Descargas: 14

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