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European Business Awards Summit 2019


From December 3 to 4 in Warsaw, Poland

Comienzo: el martes, 03 de diciembre de 2019 a las 11:00
Finaliza: el miércoles, 04 de diciembre de 2019 a las 22:30


Hilton Warsaw Hotel and Convention Centre

Centro de convenciones

Grzybowska 63


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Más información e inscripciones

Meet, Discover, Learn and be Inspired by some of Europe’s most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders whilst celebrating your achievements at the European Business Awards Summit and Gala 2019 On the 3-4 December 2019, 600 business leaders from Europe’s most successful mid-market organisations will gather under one roof in the fascinating city of Warsaw, Poland. They will be there to see if they’ve won one of the most exclusive prizes in international business – a European Business Award, and to meet, discover, learn, celebrate and do business.

2 senior representatives from CEEI VALENCIA are invited to attend this fantastic opportunity to network with the best businesses in Europe; with an audience of more than 600 of Europe's most successful enterprises, academics, government officials, VIPs, Judges and members of the European press. We are also hosting a variety of conference talks and discussions over the course of the event.


Think of it as one of the world’s most exclusive exhibitions to showcase the best companies in Europe. As a National Winner you will participate in one of the three judging sessions taking place to select the 2019 European Business Awards Winners. Open to summit guests the judging sessions provide an excellent environment for you and the other National Winners to learn more about each other.

PROGRAM: Seminars and workshops, led and moderated by experts in the field and attended by leaders of the most successful companies in Europe, will unleash an avalanche of ideas, ideas and valuable advice and a lot of new relationships will be formed. The Learning and Discovery Agenda will be executed together with the evaluation sessions.

The European Business Awards Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony is one of the landmark business events of the year. In the room are gathered the best companies in Europe, whose achievements are recognised and celebrated during the evening with the event culminating in the announcement to the world of the 2019 Winners.

DATE: December 3 to 4, 2019

TIME: Start at 11 am and end at 10:30 pm

PLACE: Hilton Warsaw Hotel in Warsaw (Poland)

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