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Global Robot expo 2019

GX Expo 2019

International exhibition on robotics

Comienzo: el miércoles, 08 de mayo de 2019 a las 09:30
Finaliza: el jueves, 09 de mayo de 2019 a las 18:30

4th edition of Global Robot Expo, the international exhibition on robotics, related technologies and innovation. GR-EX will have the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, Service Robotics, Health, Drones and Aerospace. The GR-EX Congress will have the opinions of international reference speakers in their fields of expertise.

GR-EX shows the latest advances in artificial intelligence, industry 4.0, service robotics, health technologies, drones and aerospace technologies, among other sectors.
Our commitment to the industry makes us want to share the knowledge of the greatest experts at the forefront of technological innovation. The leaders that will shape tomorrow's future will be present at Global Robot Expo.


Artificial intelligence: Following the lines of our mission - to promote business innovation - in GR-EX 2019 we give special prominence to the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence. From Deep Learning to Artificial Vision, passing through accident detection systems, sensors that analyze large-scale data, therapeutic applications, Wereables, IoT and more.

Autonomous robotics: Hand in hand with advances in Artificial Intelligence is the development of autonomous driving vehicles, with applications in different sectors, with a special role in logistics and, consequently, its entire value chain. At GR-EX we pay special attention to UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) and the challenge of air traffic management.  

Health: GR-EX will show exoskeletons that allow walking again to people with reduced mobility, exoskeletons designed to facilitate heavy work, up to millimetric precision surgical robots, robotic prostheses and rehabilitation robotics.  

Drones & Aerospace: We join the Aerospace sector with the Drones to focus the narrative on four main issues that affect both: UTM / Urban Spaces, Security and Surveillance, Inspection & Monitoring and Geomatics.  

Industry 4.0: Welcome to The Factory of the Future, where smart factories change the industrial model of mass production through digital technologies.

DATE: May 8 and 9, 2019


SCHEDULE: from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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