
CommBeBiz Awards: Excellence in Bioeconomy to Business and Social Innovation

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Bioeconomy research projects are invited to apply for CommBeBiz Awards to support their development towards innovation.

Hasta el lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015 a las 17:00

Once a year, Bioeconomy research projects are invited to apply for the CommBeBiz Awards to support their development towards innovation. 15 projects will be selected each year  and these winners will be provided with an individual support package to help them reach their innovation goals.

About CommBeBiz

CommBeBiz provides a bridge from bioeconomy research to business. 

We work with FP7 and H2020 project partners at all stages of their ideas development to enable more effective and speedier transfer of knowledge to the marketplace, public good and policy-makers.

CommBeBiz targets five specialist bioeconomy segments: Food, Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, and Biotechnology.

A range of supports are available depending on the needs and preferences of individual project partners.  These include:

  • Networking: Become a  member of a bioeconomy knwoledge segment with contacts along the value chain and opportunities to liaise for new projects.

  • Visibility  for your project through publications and case studies ( jointly produced with the projects)

  • Training in Research & Business Communication – through webinars or  face-to-face

  • Assessment of the market and social innovation potential of your ideas and research outcomes by technology transfer experts.

  • Business Coaching – with  awards:  15 projects per year receive an individual action plan towards market and investor readiness (see below)

  • Meet/Match with industry, entrepreneurs and policy makers: At our events and online at www.commbebiz.eu

About the CommBeBiz Award

The CommBeBiz Award aims to showcase the most innovative ideas emerging from research projects in the bioeconomy sector. We are looking for ambitious ideas with the potential to address major challenges in the bioeconomy sector with clear business or social innovation potential - a unique value proposition clearly differentiated from alternatives already in the marketplace or public domain. 

The CommBeBiz Awards primarily recognise innovation (social, commercial, technological and policy) potential. The Award scheme is designed to support our winners on their journey from innovation to reality.

 Support Package for CommBeBiz Award Winners:

15 CommBeBiz Award winners will be selected each year.  These winners will benefit from the following support package:

  • One-to-one customized support from European experts in innovation to help them to bring their idea to the market.  Examples of support:

    • Incubation space and internationalisation support services provided free of charge for 3-6 months in any EBN soft landing centre across Europe to let you discover new opportunities and markets around Europe.

    • Living labs trials supported by an expert organisation giving you the chance to test your ideas in front of a potential group of end users. A Living Lab employs four main activities: co-creation co-design by users and producers; exploration: discovering emerging usages, behaviours and market opportunities; experimentation: implementing live scenarios within communities of users; evaluation: assessment of concepts, products and services according to socio-ergonomic, socio-cognitive and socio-economic criteria.

    • Investor readiness preparation as part of the Invest Horizon programme, where EBN is a partner.

  • Expenses paid trip to EBN Congress in Brussels (28th – 30th October 2015) to pitch their ideas in front of an audience of entrepreneurs, investors, innovation supporters, EC & other policy makers and to assist to workshops with hands on fostering entrepreneurship in the bioeconomy sector.

  • Pre-event European media campaign to showcase all award winners (full profile and interview on CommBeBiz website)

One overall CommBeBiz Award winner will be selected at the EBN Congress in October 2015 and will benefit from post event European media campaign with photos & interview prepared by professional journalist.

Criteria for selection

The type of innovation should fall into the following categories:

  • Social,

  • Commercial,

  • Technological

  • Policy (if complementary to one of the above mentioned categories)

The sector of innovation should fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Food

  • Agriculture

  • Fisheries

  • Forestry

  • Biotechnology

Availability to present at EBN Congress 2015 28-30th October 2015 in Brussels.

How to apply?

The call is open from the 26th May 2015.

Complete the simple online application form with your contact details and bullet point answers to a few direct questions: enter your online application now here!

Deadline: 31st August 2015 at 17.00 CET.

The evaluation process

The selected projects will be notified by the 30th of September 2015. The judging panel will be composed of:

  • Experts from CommBeBiz High Level Advisory Board

  • Business innovation specialists from:

    • EBN network of innovation specialists

    • Social Innovation experts

  • Early stage investment specialists from Invest Horizon

The judges’ decision will be final and not open to negotiation.

Programme for CommBeBiz Awards Ceremony

It is mandatory for the 15 selected CommBeBiz finalists to participate in the final CommBeBiz Awards Ceremony which takes place at the EBN Congress in Brussels from 28-30th 2015 .

The program of the event and the Awards Ceremony will be online soon.

For further information please contact Laura Lecci

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